#12 – Ali El-Sharif on Explainable Artificial Intelligence

In AI Simplified Episode 12, Ali El-Sharif and Amjad Hussain discuss Explainable AI.

Skip, recap, or review with timestamps:

0:00 Introduction
3:56 Explainable AI
5:11 AI’s Promise
5:50 Is this a Tree?
7:23 X-ray images & when AI fails to meet its promise
10:08 Supervised learning needs more attention
11:36 High quality training data sets = costly
12:28 Cross-industry data trusts
13:09 Constructing training data sets
14:46 Data trusts in research community
16:30 Throwing computing power towards data sets
17:31 Fooling ML algorithms
18:13 ML algorithms vulnerable to attacks
19:19 Bias in ML algorithms
20:14 Amazon AI Recruiting Tool
21:08 Explainability is the law
22:11 What is Explainable AI?
23:02 Explainable AI definition by DARPA
23:25 Explainable AI Target Audience
24:31 ML Explanations Benefits
24:48 Explainability leads to adoption
25:41 David Deutsch – traits of good explanations
28:12 General relativity vs. quantum mechanics
29:53 The law & corporate responsibility
32:10 Biggest black box is the human brain
32:30 Explanation is a model of the truth
33:00 Why is explainability so difficult?
33:54 Decision Trees
34:27 Interpretable model explanations don’t scale
34:55 Use Interpretable Models – If You Can
35:34 People fall in love with complex solutions
37:57 Complexity is sometimes inevitable; GPT-3 NLP Model
38:33 Why is interpretability difficult?
39:36 White box vs. black box models
41:05 Local explanation & single predictions
43:59 Post-Hoc Explanations
44:43 Explainability Options
45:19 Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME)
48:47 Explaining a prediction with LIME
49:57 LIME – Image Classifier Explanation
50:39 LIME – Text Classifier Explanation
51:16 Pros & Cons of LIME method
53:25 Overall thoughts on LIME
53:41 Foundation for Best Practices in ML
54:46 Attraction to Explainable AI research & road ahead
59:50 AI models that have conversations with humans
1:00:50 Label requirements for explainability models
1:04:00 Need for high quality data sets & collaborative models
1:07:25 Canada’s leadership in AI
1:09:40 Diversity in Canada
1:11:15 Advice for AI practitioners
1:13:30 Closing Thoughts

Why a podcast about human-centered AI?

People are either talking about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, etc. in a very technical way or not at all. Having studied Computer Science and Advanced Analytics and created an AI – advanced analytics supply chain company, I understand first-hand how valuable the field is, but not everyone does. I want to change that. We can all learn principles of AI and implement them in very practical ways. Whether you want to automate a part of your business or create a new business altogether, AI can help you. My goal through this podcast is to simplify AI.

Calling it a podcast gives you a broad understanding of how we’ll communicate, but the format will be much more engaging than just audio. However, you can listen to AI Simplified like a traditional podcast too.

Amjad Hussain
Founder + Chief Executive Officer, Algo

About the host

portrait of Amjad Hussain, one of the author for Algo podcast and the CEO of Algo


Combining human centered AI with deep domain expertise, Algo’s analytics enriched supply chain intelligence platform helps suppliers and retailers plan, collaborate, simulate and execute a more efficient supply chain.

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