How Arrotex Improved Its Supply Chain by Integrating Replenishment Planning with Demand Forecasting

Algo’s automated replenishment platform has enabled Arrotex to transform its supply chain, shifting pharmacists’ focus from stock monitoring to customer service.

Arrotex’s supply chain challenges

To improve consumer service, the pharmaceutical industry must transform its supply chain. Arrotex faced key challenges: excessive time spent on stock monitoring and ordering, escalating labour costs, and rising transportation expenses.

  • Pharmacy Clients’ Time Consumption

    Pharmacy clients were spending an excessive amount of time monitoring and ordering dispensary stock, detracting from customer service and other important tasks.

  • Labour costs

    The time-consuming process of stock management led to increased labour costs, as more staff hours were needed to maintain stock levels.

  • Transportation Costs

    Inefficiencies in stock management contributed to higher transportation costs, as frequent and potentially unnecessary restocking trips were required.

Algo’s solution for Arrotex Pharmaceuticals

The introduction of a fortnightly dispensary order from the Algo inventory platform created operational efficiencies in the stores and warehouse, with reduced labour and transportation costs. Algo and Arrotex were able to implement an automated replenishment platform which takes both seasonal and store demand spikes into account, to help prepare for the consumer demand for certain drugs changes with seasons. This program resulted in pharmacists spending less time monitoring and ordering dispensary stock and more time providing advice and serving their customers.

“In order to improve our service levels to the consumer, the pharmaceutical industry must transform its supply chain. Arrotex envisage Algo as integral in helping facilitate this transformational change. Phase 1 of the program was to introduce Algo’s automated replenishment platform for dispensary and over the counter drugs. The results have seen an operational shift from the pharmacist monitoring stock levels, shifting focus on servicing the customer. “

Dennis Bastas

Former Chairman and CEO, Arrotex Pharmaceuticals

“In order to improve our service levels to the consumer, the pharmaceutical industry must transform its supply chain. Arrotex envisage Algo as integral in helping facilitate this transformational change. Phase 1 of the program was to introduce Algo’s automated replenishment platform for dispensary and over the counter drugs. The results have seen an operational shift from the pharmacist monitoring stock levels, shifting focus on servicing the customer.”

Dennis Bastas

Former Chairman and CEO, Arrotex Pharmaceuticals

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